
| Press

The most beautiful Italian vineyards to host a wedding

Italy remains the most loved destination. Locanda La Raia is among the most beautiful vineyards to host a wedding according to Condé Nast Traveler.


| Events

Landscapes in movement 2

Un progetto articolato in due anni che intende esplorare la possibilità di un diverso modo di guardare il paesaggio.

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Landscapes in movement 1

Un progetto di residenza e creazione artistica in collaborazione con Gilles Clément e Leonardo Delogu.

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Sentiment of beauty

Il progetto ha come forza guida l'idea di "Bellezza", nell'arte, nell'ambiente e attraverso il Made in Italy.

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What We Want

Nella sua serie "What We Want", Francesco Jodice indaga il paesaggio come frutto dei desideri delle persone.

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Remo Salvadori at Fondazione La Raia

Fondazione La Raia inaugurated with the project Nel paesaggio, three permanent artworks by Remo Salvadori

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The landscape of philosophers and artists

La Fondazione La Raia - arte cultura territorio prosegue la propria riflessione critica sul paesaggio.

Una vita Bio edited by Giuliana Zoppis

| Una vita bio

Thoughts to “mend” the Planet

For six months the International Exhibition showed meaningful projects, products, systems and interfaces to answer some of nowadays big questions.

| Una vita bio

Responsible holidays

June 2nd is the international day for responsible tourism, that Italy subscribed to through AITR.

| Una vita bio

Seeding biodiversity

Urban vegetable growing works are multiplying: green pieces saved from concrete and daily nurtured among buildings.

| Una vita bio

Spring for sustainable development

SPRING, the national technological cluster of green chemistry, was founded in 2012 to promote low carbon emission bioindustries.

| Una vita bio

Protecting biodiversity, for the benefit of all of us

Conscious actions are needed to stop the dangerous unprecedented loss of biodiversity that we are currently experiencing.

| Una vita bio

A forest to feel well among the skyscrapers

The new forest at the skyscrapers’ foot around Piazza Gae Aulenti is the third big park in Milan city centre.